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Date(s) - 10/28/2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Categories No Categories

Vikram Sekhon

FedEx Ground ISP Owner (Bay Area Hub)

40+ routes, contractor owner for 2+ years


This Webinar will provide an overview of what it means to be a FedEx ISP and will address any technical or operational questions that members might have about running FedEx ground operations.  It will also tackle issues for those who are planning or are just looking to know what FedEx is all about.


Please RSVP @ the bottom of this page so we can plan accordingly and join this Zoom meeting on day of the event via the following link:

Meeting ID: 892 7914 8062
Passcode: 721002
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89279148062#,,,,,,0#,,721002# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,89279148062#,,,,,,0#,,721002# US (Tacoma)


Below are some some sample questions that will be covered:


– What sort of an investment are we talking about?

– What are the compliance requirements?

– What’s the difference between running routes for FedEx and Amazon?

– What does it take to start the business and how quickly can we be up and running? Can we go live in 14 days?


FedEx Ground volumes have continued to hit the peak levels since the covid-19 started. E-commerce overall has grown from 12% – 28%. With Smartpost coming in and FedEx moving more residential and business packages to FedEx Ground contractors, owning routes for FedEx has become a lucrative business opportunity, especially so because the contract is a lot more structured, there are more things that a business owner can control and there is visibility into what’s coming in future.  You don’t want to wake up to see your contract canceled.


Having said that, it’s still a complicated business to run that needs significant time, money, sweat and tears. Given that CDA is mostly courier business owners and experts from California, we will keep the session very interactive and more of a Q/A format instead of presenting slides that will make you yawn.   We also welcome questions before the session that can be sent via email to



Vikram, hardware engineer in his previous life, has been running his own FedEx Ground business for close to 3 years now.  Starting out with 8 routes, Vikram’s contract has now grown to over 40 routes and it continues to grow.


Bookings are closed for this event.