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Date(s) - 08/08/2019
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Brian Jungeberg Vice President @ Risk Strategies will provide an overview of the types of distracted driving, current laws and technology to monitor and assist with accident prevention.  In addition, he will address policies that should be incorporated with your workforce and insurance strategies to protect your bottom line.

For many commercial fleets, driver and public safety is a top priority, and organizations take great care to prevent costly and potentially deadly accidents. While a number of factors can lead to a crash (e.g., impaired driving, poor road conditions and adverse weather), distracted driving is a common, preventable cause of accidents. Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that every year, up to 391,000 people are injured and 3,450 people are killed in crashes involving distracted drivers.

Mr. Jungeberg’s business development is focused on not only procuring new clients, but educating and arming these clients with the tools to grow within their respective industry. Risk Management and Insurance programs offer both protection to a company and an opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competitors!

Specialties: Risk Management, Risk Mitigation, Contract/RFP Review, Independent Contractor Issues

This is a must attend Webinar!

Access the link below on the day of the event from your computer, tablet or smartphone to view the Webinar:

2019 Distracted Driving Prevention Webinar 8-8-19

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3112  Access Code: 477-172-813


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